Key Facts on Nicaragua, About Nicaragua
If you ever wanted to know a bit more about Nicaragua, this is the place to do so. Key Facts about Nicaragua are listed to help you get better acquainted with this wonderful country before you leave home.
Land Area
Nicaragua is slightly smaller than the state of New York. It covers a land area of 129,494 sq km, of which 9,240 sq km is water. Nicaragua borders with Costa Rica and Honduras and boasts 910 km of coastline.
Nicaragua’s lowlands typically feature a tropical climate, getting quite warm and humid. The highlands of Nicaragua are somewhat cooler.
Natural Resources and Hazards
Nicaragua’s natural resources are quite diverse. Among the metals available are gold, silver, copper and tungsten. Also part of Nicaragua’s natural resources are lead, zinc, timber and fish. It’s important to note that Nicaragua is surprisingly prone to hurricanes. Other natural hazards in Nicaragua include volcanoes and earthquakes.
As of July 2005, there were 5,465,100 people in Nicaragua.
Roman Catholic is the religion that dominates in Nicaragua with 72.9% of its population adhering to this faith. Evangelical faiths make up 15.5% whilst 8.5% do not have a religion.
The flag of Nicaragua consists of three equally sized horizontal stripes of blue, white and blue. The Nicaraguan coat of arms is centered in the white band with the words ‘Republica de Nicaragua’ on top and ‘America Central’ on the bottom.
Agricultural Products and Main Industries
The agriculture and industry of Nicaragua is rather varied. The products of the land are coffee, bananas, tobacco, sesame, sugarcane, cotton, soya and beans. Nicaragua livestock provide beef, veal, pork, poultry and dairy products. The industries in Nicaragua include food processing, textile, petroleum refining and distribution amongst others.
Managua is the capital of Nicaragua