Historical Ex-combatants Museum, Tourist Attractions, Culture
When you visit the beautiful country of Nicaragua, take time to visit Estelí. This city can be found in the cooler parts of the country and has an altitude of 800 meters above the mean sea level. Estelí is situated 150 km away from Managua. The city and the Las Segovias region in which it is located are known for their many archaeological sites that are scattered all around the area. These are really worth a visit if that is something you are interested in. Ancient petroglyphs that are more than 1,000 years old have been found just three kilometers away from Estelí. There are also numerous fossils that over twenty to thirty thousand years old in the area.
Something else that is of interest and part of the history of Estelí is a little museum that can be found near the central park of the city on 18-de Mayo Street. The museum is called the Asociación de ex-combatientes historicos or the Historical ex-combatants museum in English. Part of the museum focuses on the history of the family that actually runs this little museum as they also experienced the loss of their family during the revolution. The name of the city, Estelí, is thought to come from the word “ulua” a Nahuati word that means “Obsidian River”. Other interpretations of the city’s name are “Matagalpa Li or Náhualt Eztli”, which means “river of blood” or “colored water river”.
From the very beginning, the Sandinista National Liberation Front was given a lot of support from the city of Estelí. While this may have proved useful for a time, it also brought about focused persecution from the Contras, the armed opponents of the Nicaragua’s FSLN, and Somoza’s army supported by the Somoza political dynasty. The revolution took place in 1979, with the Sandinista National party eventually taking political control. Their rule lasted for twelve years.
Although the museum is small it is brimming with photos, articles and newspapers that relate to the revolution. You can also take a more personalized look at this time period in history by reading personal stories or journals written by people who lived at that time and took part in the war. This museum also highlights Nicaragua’s political history as a whole and this really gives visitors a feel for the conflict that the country has experienced over the years.