Autonomous Region

In 1989, Nicaragua governmental structure underwent quite a few changes, which included the formation of new regions. During this time, the area on which Atlantico Sur is situated was divided in two, creating two independent and autonomous regions, namely the Autonomous Region of the Northern Atlantic (RAAN) and the Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic (RAAS). With a population of approximately three hundred and eighty thousand and a vast landscape of an estimated twenty seven thousand square kilometers, Atlantico Sur is a region filled with captivating beauty and thrilling adventures.

The Autonomous Region of the Southern Atlantic has twelve municipalities namely Nueva Guinea, El Rama, Corn Island, Launa de Perlas, Desembocadura de la Cruz de Rio Grande, El Ayote, Kukra Hill, La Cruz de Rio Grande, Bocana de Paiwas, Muella de los Bueyes, El Tortugero and its capital, Bluefields. Destinations such as Corn Island and Bluefields are popular due to their variety of attractions and activities that are tourism orientated.

Bluefields, is not only the capital of the Atlantico Sur region, but is also one of the most significant port cities in the Caribbean for the import and export of a variety of goods such as lobsters, wood, bananas and fish. It is also home to an airport and domestic airline for transportation and travel. The Altantico Sur region is a wonderful region of Nicaragua, and exploring this stunning part of the country will not be disappointing, but lead to many inspiring discoveries and memorable moments.

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